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Parent Groups

Our parents make up two groups in the school; Forest Heights School Council (FHSC) and the Friends of Forest Heights Society (FoFHS). The FoFHS financially supports school wide activities.  FHSC purchases and supplies a Daily Organizer for each student (Grs 1-6).  The Friends of Forest Heights Society runs a casino every 18 months.  With these funds, FoFHS supports student field trips, presentations at assemblies and a variety of other school functions.  Without the financial support of FoFHS, the parents would bear the entire cost of these events.

Forest Heights School Council and Friends of Forest Heights (FoFHS) invite you to join our monthly meetings! Meetings are held directly following each other. It is a great opportunity to stay informed about what is happening in the school as well as volunteer for fundraising initiatives and special events. By having a child enrolled at Forest Heights, you are already a member of the Forest Heights School Council. The school council collaborates with Forest Heights administration and staff to create the best learning environment possible for our
children. Your voice is important, and we would like to hear what you have to say!